Friday, March 25, 2011

Sign the petition against Exodus being a charity in Canada, it's not.

Exodus International, is an organization that believes in the cure of homosexuality. In fact, they believed in it so badly, that they actually created "an app for that" which sparked outrage and disgust (well, disgust mostly myself), causing a barrage of signatures on petitions calling for Apple to remove the application from its list of offerings. Thank you for removing the "Gay Cure" app, Apple, for otherwise, i really do not see the point of having an iPhone, after tweeting that i'd throw away my Apple products if it turns out otherwise.

Yes yes, what can one individual like me, do? But hey, when there's a gazillion of me out there, or 140,000 odd, and when there's competitive phones coming up in other markets and brands, it does have an impact.

Nonetheless, even though the war is won on getting Apple to remove the app, it's not over. This bullshit with Exodus is just at it's beginning.

Gay cure, seriously. A cent for each number of times i've heard this phrase, i'm a fucking Bill Gates. There's no such thing as gay cure. None. I'm gay, i tried curing myself. I tried dating girls and only end up hurting the girls i dated. I tried watching straight porn and find myself noticing dicks. I tried watching lesbian porn (and it's homosexual porn for god's sake) and end up with a softie. I tried staying clean, away from porn but at night, the dreams i have are of guys. What is there that i have not tried? If my dream is telling me i'm gay, i think it's really just in me, isn't it? Of course, i can totally list on the series of things i've tried but it didn't work. All of it failed.

And while Exodus claims that they're not trying to spread hate on gays, that they are trying to sniffle out those gays strugglers (who struggle basically because people like you question their sexuality and shame them) and tell them that they have a choice in being gay.

But you don't.

That's the fucking reality of life. You're gay. Get over it.
It's like, you're straight. No one's trying to "gay-ify" you so why bother trying to get us on your side of the team. I mean, honestly, you'll have higher competition for the ladies with us gays being straights, no? We're stereotypically sensitive, sweet, cute, fashionable... and the list goes on.

And when you tell others that they have a choice in being gay, and they try your cures, if it's not gonna work, they're gonna look for more "cures" and more and more until a point whereby they give up and give up in life altogether. It's true. That feeling of failing, that feeling of trying so hard and yet not being able to reach that goal. And that upon not reaching your goal, you're going to get despised and still hated against, though you've tried so hard, one can just really give up living.

And these cures, by itself, is a fucking torture process. It's probably a cover up, a legal way to inflict torture, mentally and physically, on gay fellas.

From my knowledge of the allegedly gay cures, NARTH (one of the biggest gay cure organizations) practices it. And from what i read here:, it's fucking bullshit. This is a website that recounts a journalist that goes undercover and experience the gay cure for himself... which didn't work.

Other than insulting your family, such as claiming that you're probably sexually abused as a child, they blamed the fact that your dad might be distant and your mum too close to you, and for that, as part of the cure, they will advise your dad to hug you and your mum to distant herself. How intelligent does that sound?!

You can read up more but let's sum up to one simple line. Gay cures don't cure, but inflict psychological damage on an otherwise perfectly fine being. It simply convinces the person that there is something psychologically wrong with him/her, thereby, encouraging him/her to further be displease and hate themselves more. And don't we all know what self-hatred does to oneself?

Look at the number of young adults killing themselves. Or teenagers committing suicide. Look at the recent numbers of gay teenagers killing themselves. And ask yourself why?

If it's their family displeasure, it's only cause you made it this way.
If it's their self-hatred, it's only cause you made it this way.

SO EXODUS, being an organization that claims to provide gay cures, should really be removed from being a charity. YES. This is fucking incredulously ridiculous. This organization, is actually listed in Canada as a charity, thereby, reaping tax benefits for trying to cure gays. And with a hint of respect to the company, let's just say that even if the question of whether or not it works is still out there (it fucking doesn't), HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT EVEN A DISORDER/MENTAL ILLNESS.


Even respectable medical and psychological organizations have rejected and not support the doings of Exodus, claiming and warning it will bring about significant psychological harm, Exodus is still receiving a charitable status in Canada.

Do your part.
Sign the petition. Please.

Visit the site above, sign the petition.

Thank you.

(And fuck you Exodus, NARTH and many others)

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