Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vatican Slams Gay Rights

Via @TheAdvocateMag on Twitter

Seriously, it just doesn't get through his thick skull does it?

"People are being attacked for taking positions that do not support sexual behavior between people of the same sex."

Right. And people are being attacked, physically and mentally and discriminated against, just for being who they truly are and for loving someone of the same gender. These people are homosexuals. They're not asking for YOUR support. All they're asking, is to have equal rights and to lead a normal life liken to any other person on the street, which is perfectly reasonable considering that they are human beings and they're no different any other manner from anyone else other than being gay. From our point of view, you're different cause you're straight. But we don't simply treat you differently. Gays are not asking you for your "support" in their lifestyle. We're not asking you to join us either (though you can if you WANT to). We're just saying, we exist, treat us as equals. That's as simple as it gets, really.

I don't need you to paint the government building rainbow, or need you to have a celebratory day for us just so we are recognized for that one day out of the 365.25 days we have. The PRIDE festivals and gay-days are practically just to show that we're here, we're queer and we're not any different other than being so much awesome-r.

Either way. Back to the article.

This dude in the picture above claimed that when they express their moral beliefs, they get attacked, supposedly. Well, do unto others what you want others to do unto you (Sorry Four Seasons). But it's true. If you're not out there, criticizing and attacking others, why would there be even a backlash now? Nobody will attack you for your discriminatory acts IF there's none to attack in the first place.

How blind of you to not even see that it really does take two hands to clap. And don't say we're the ones that started the issue cause gay isn't an issue. Your displeasure in our presence is the issue. And that, stems from you to begin with.


(However, to put it out here, i don't hate the religion. I have friends, awesome ones, who are in this particular religion and still very supportive and understanding. :) Thank you guys. /hugs/)

Until Next Time

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