Gay Rights.
I don't understand the people going against gay rights. Or those against gays altogether in the first place. Why do you hate us so much? Or why do you go against our rights so badly? For some people might argue that while they don't hate gays, they just don't support it and thereby, going against it. It's true, if you think about it. When it comes down to voting for gay rights, by not supporting something so reasonable, you're actually voting against it. Unless you tell me you decided not to vote at all. But then again, through not voting for the rights, you're playing a part in taking away the rights, albeit a small minor role in it.
Religion wise, i guess i shall be open-minded and say, it's agreeable, yes, you can choose not to support it. But to actually petition against, form groups going against, finding means and ways to denounce the existence of gays, i think that's unreasonable. For, if there's anything left to doubt, the physical presence of homosexuals should not be first in queue but instead, the spiritual or the beliefs you guys have in religions. It's intangible and definitely not as real as it can gets when it comes down to having actual gays in front of you. Yes, you do see God in many different ways, many different signs and believe in your religions respectively in your own manner. But the existence of homosexuality is not something for you to believe in. You don't have to believe in homosexuals for them to exist. You don't have to "see a sign" or "receive a message" from any gays to know that they do exist. Certainly enough, you don't have to rely on a book, or any holy publications, for you to know that gay people do exist. For starters, the bible itself, despite having a section on judging that homosexuals are wrong, already proved that it IS a fact that gay people are real, that we do exist and yes, we are living, breathing souls. And the fact that we are living breathing human beings, should give you the idea that we deserve what any other living breathing human beings get.
Let's paint this offensive picture, since we're already on the topic of religions, about how most laws and discriminatory practices works. Since most laws now are made with due respect to certain cultures and religions, if homosexuality was part of A religion, doesn't that mean that the law of the country will have to be made with respect to it as well, considering that discriminating against a religion (rather than homosexuality) is a bigger "sin"?
Religion being a system that is able to be derived from a preferred lifestyle, means that homosexuality can be a religion. And in a sense, since religions is derived from beliefs of beings, that means that it can easily be formed so long a group believes solely in the existence of homosexuality gathers up. And with that, since there should be no laws governing any formation of religions and belief groups (considering the idea that it is indeed what some people choose to belief in), to push the government into possibly making gay rights available, homosexuals should really form a religion. I mean, i do sincerely believe in my preference for the same sex, and i have full faith that my sexual orientation is not derived from any form of mistake and/or misguidance. So, with my belief, and the common traits of liking the same gender, i guess we can truly "gather up" and form a religion eh? Maybe Lady Gaga should be our persona of worship. Or maybe I can be so. I mean, i came up with that idea after all, no? And maybe we should write up a Gay book and allow it to be passed on to descendants and it governs how gay people should treat each other, straight people and others too. What? The words of a common person like me hath no status to that of those in other books? Why not? Aren't most written in other books done by people who claimed to have received any form of contact with what they believe in? I believe in myself, and thereby, i do believe my words carry an equal status, if not more. In fact, it should carry more weight considering what i'm writing, i truly solemnly swear, is what i truly solemnly feel about the situation. I am not relating what i wrote here from anyone. I am not using another person's name or title or power or position, to claim an issue.
The idea of homosexuality being a religion. It's ridiculous isn't it? And that's what most homosexuals feel as well. That the idea of being discriminated against, being hated against, having rights taken away from, just cause someone some time ago thinks so, ridiculous.
The point here is not to offend, though i would agree many might already be. The point here is not to denounce your religion as well, as many would have thought so. The point here, is to allow you to see that blind faith, is ridiculous, especially in situations whereby it is not called for.
Every single phrase is written in context to a certain situation at a certain time frame and should be really restricted to that. For example, it says that women should be submit in total dominance to man and look where we are now. And for more examples, refer to this website: In 2011, you tell a woman that she should listen, submit and serve you and she can easily give you a kick in the nuts. You discriminate a woman in work and she can easily sue you. The point is, times have changed, and certain mindsets no longer applies. We don't stone people to death anymore. And yet, somehow, the society we live in still thinks it's perfectly alright for gay people to not have equal rights.
We are not demanding for more rights. We're not denouncing your religion. We are not killing people, hurting people or (oh my) raping people. We are not doing anything illegal, until you made sex illegal for some of us. We are not converting (*coughs*) or attempting to convert (*coughs*) anyone into being a homosexual.
What we are doing, is to just pry open your narrow minds and let you see that we are of no difference from yourself. And the only difference, is that we like the same gender.
How does that offends you?
Does killing gay people (in certain places) makes the world absolutely free of homosexuals?
Well, it certainly doesn't, sweetheart, it just fills the world with tons of closet cases and a black (or rainbow ;)) market for homosexuals.
Does allowing gay people to marry takes away the rights for straight people to marry?
No it doesn't. It wasn't a privilege for straight people to govern initially, at all. But some decided that "hey, this makes our marriage not as special anymore" and thereby, judged it as wrong, immoral and ta dah, we can't marry. How are marriages, something as beautiful and pure, as you would say, immoral?
I really just don't get it.
And bestowed upon us, are the supernatural powers of destruction... apparently.
In your pathetic attempt to "convince" and "ally" the world to bigotry, natural disasters are always blamed upon us. Are you seriously convinced and dense as such, or are you really truthfully so sly to do so? Has it not once occurred to you that Earth is over-populated (and oh ho ho who do we have that to blame on?) and that maybe it's cause of pollution and each of us playing our tiny part in killing the Earth that has to be blamed? I admit, through the typing of each word on this laptop, that i have a part to play in the consumption of energy, thereby, playing a part, somehow, in killing the Earth. But you have to admit you guys are too. And nobody's really blaming anybody for that. So why did you have to lay it all on us?
It's just so cunning, and ridiculously dense, on your part to think that a message from above would be a tornado or a tsunami. And that if God is really unhappy with us, he'll kill everyone. Why would he do that to his own supposedly creation? Why can't he just stop the whole gay thing, if it's supposedly wrong, and/or kill people the "natural disaster" way? And if he really love you that much, he wouldn't be asking you to do his dirty work of killing gays so seriously, stop hurting gay people. Punching them in the name of God is not "holy" or "right". It's downright sickening and warped, and you're tarnishing no one else's name but your religion's. Slap on your thinking cap and think about it. If you really dislike gays for a reason that's personal, please do not use any religion's name for it's not only unfair to the ones that are perfectly alright with us (thank you *hugs*) but it's unfair to the ones that are gays and believe in your religion as well.
While this blog post so far has touched upon the subject of religions, it's mostly cause most anti-gay (seriously?) groups are religions-based or use religions as a basis of their bigotry argument. And to only argue back sensibly will be to argue their points directly.
It's not to say, your religion is wrong, or your religion doesn't exist. It's to say, religions are based upon cultures and cultures are interchangeable. And that laws, which are supposedly impartial and fair to all, should be as such, and not discriminatory just because a religion thinks that way. Think logically before a law is passed. Does a gay man not get the right to marry just cause it's another guy he's marrying? Or is it cause allowing this marriage will affect your votes and public image? Or is it cause allowing this marriage will seriously cause a natural disaster? Or is it cause allowing this marriage will suddenly morphed all straight people into homosexuals? Wake up. Cause when a law is passed, it subsequently affects the culture of the place and the culture will make society conform and with the situation now, society is conformed to judge and see wrongly of homosexuals. And this is really unfair to the homosexuals for they aren't doing anything illegal (supposedly) until you made it wrong for the very presence and basis of their sexual orientation.
If being gay was a choice, it would be a stupid decision i've made for why would i choose to be gay (despite my loveeeeee for men) in this world whereby being gay is so difficult. Nobody will ever choose to get their ass kicked. Nobody will choose to get their face smashed in. Nobody will choose to have to live a life of fear of getting discriminated against. Nobody will choose to get kicked out by their families. Nobody will choose to live a life of single-hood and not being able to have a family of their own. Nobody will, well, at least i wouldn't. I'd take the easy way out, be straight, marry a woman and have a family. But i know it's impossible. For i wouldn't love the girl the way i should.
I'm lucky. I live in a country, though subjectively discriminatory, (Yes, Singapore, you can be pretty unfriendly), does not have to worry about getting bashed (yet!). But if we're not progressing in this stream of gay rights movement, we're not staying stagnant but we'll be travelling backwards downstream. We'll be going back to the times where gay bars will sooner be shut down, where homosexuals will be discriminated upon in work and schools, where the wrong idea of homosexuals will be taught and imprinted in many generations. We'll be in the situation whereby as a gay kid, i tell myself i'm wrong, my existence is wrong, i should be condemned, i should change, i try to change, i fail and thereby, i failed in life, and sooner or later, i end it. It's happening now, and we should change it before it's all too late. Before all the gorgeous designers kill themselves. Or even before they grow up to be these successful people they might be, that they might end it.
It's not just about accepting. It's about understanding.
I accept the fact that straight people are norm, i understand their attraction for the different gender. So why can't you understand mine?
I'm just like you, like any single one of you, and the only difference, is living life after realizing i'm gay, is a challenge i have to face everyday. Do something. Speak up.
Until Next Time