Sunday, April 17, 2011

Singapore General Elections

With the General Elections coming up for Singapore, why hasn't anyone on those bloody damned talk shows, interviews and question-and-answer sessions ask a single thing about homosexuality?Seriously, do they really screen all the questions before you're actually allowed to ask them to the ministers and people?

I mean, honestly speaking, isn't it kinda fake and propaganda-ish if the point of the tv shows is to portray a good, healthy, reliable image through the use of questions and answers by people who already have questions that readily have answers to them? Might as well ask your own questions, answer your own questions, heck, why not do a stand-up talk show about yourself instead.

There's so many questions i really wanna ask. So little ways of reaching them. Or at least so little ways of reaching them and getting a response, i believe.


They should have me on a talk show. Like, invite me to one of those interview sessions with the minister (oh how honored i'd be) and give me a freedom-of-speech-and-question card just for that hour and let me ask everything i have to ask. Or better yet, who's with me? Maybe we can like attend it altogether. And ask questions together.

If you can actually give me a response that's reasonable, i swear, my whole damned life i'd be voting for you.

But the problem is, do you even have the courage to face the questions without having a screen-test? :)

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