I wouldn't direct this post to all the straight people i know, cause there are those who are supportive and understanding of where the whole "i'm gay & proud" thing. But there are these people who just judge so much about gay pride, about how straight people have no straight pride days, there's nothing to be proud of your own sexuality and blah blah blah.
Being gay and being straight, is of course, not much of a difference. That's what gays are saying for years and years. That we are human, we deserve same treatment, same rights and so on and so forth. Indeed, that is true. However, why i would say, "not much" is because there is still that tint of differentiation. And other than the fact that i like my own gender while you like another being the main solid difference, the treatment we get in society around the world is different too. Oh, and that we have good fashion sense and are incredibly fabulous.
You see, gay pride days aren't about simply being proud of gays or being so, it's about celebrating the fact that society is actually more opened up than before, it's about celebrating how we can actually celebrate being gay. And the idea of it, is a thought worth celebrating for.
Gay people have to live in secrecy and fear, go through a whole mental process of whether or not they'll be accepted, and some even have to deal with depression due to the societal natural oppression against someone different. SO, if you tell us to stop whining about having to live through all these, then you yourself stop making some to actually have to live through all these.
I'm lucky, i have friends and family who are relatively supportive, though the older generations are pretty pissy about it. But there's those who aren't as lucky. Who faces not only family rejection but friends taunting and teasing. And though now i'm definite about my friends being awesomely supportive, i won't deny the fact that myself, i've been teased countless times over the years about it.
But now, today, i don't get teased and i'm pretty open about the whole gay nonsense.
THIS, is how far society has changed.
And therefore, THIS is something worth celebrating for.
Seriously, when someone asks me about the whole straight pride day nonsense and the redundancy of gay pride day, i feel an immense need to slap them in the face. Because STRAIGHT PRIDE DAY IS EVERY FUCKING DAY OF YOUR LIFE WHILE WE ONLY GET A DAY TO REALLY CELEBRATE AND BE PROUD OF WHO WE ARE WITHOUT WORRIES.
Don't come up to me telling me, "i'm straight, and everyday, i live in fear that my friends won't like me for who i am." Because that's total bullshit, and we both know it.
I'm not badgering all straight people here. Just the ones silly enough to judge and whine about gay pride days. You don't get to judge someone until you've lived through what that person has.